Tohoku University
Ph.D. Professor
Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Graduated from Okazaki-Kita Senior High School (Aichi Prefecture) in 1982. Completed most of the doctorate course at the Nagoya University Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences before withdrawing in 1989. Appointed professor at the Nagoya University Bioscienceand Biotechnology Center in 2004. Assumed current position in 2007. Indeed, the mechanism of life is really beautiful and astonishing to us. However, living cells comprise molecular materials, and so we are able to understand them at the genetic level, and utilize biochemical materials for our life. It had a profound on me. The most important thing in research is to enjoy our experiments and plan the way forward.
N2 in air is an inert gas that is not readily available as a plant nutrient but instead requires conventional energy-consuming nitrogen fixation processes like the Haber-Bosch method. Plasma-based nitrogen fixation is gaining attention as an alternative procedure to supply nitrogen from the air. We have evaluated plasma-generated gaseous nitrogen species from air for plant growth. The plasma-generated gas supported the growth of plants treated with nitrogen-free medium. (Yamanashi et al. Plant Mol. Biol. 114:35, 2024)
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